标 题: msn space挂了,送几百万用户给wordpress
发信站: 自由空间 (Tue Sep 28 10:30:03 2010), 站内
弱化live,解散live team搞bing
Tong Wu
标 题: msn space挂了,送几百万用户给wordpress
发信站: 自由空间 (Tue Sep 28 10:30:03 2010), 站内
弱化live,解散live team搞bing
You say I'm the strongest. 你说我是最坚强 I say you're the kindest. 我说你是最善良 You ask me where I'm going.你问我要去向何方 I point to the ocean. 我指向大海的方向在豆瓣上的评论里翻着翻着,突然有一条巨醒目的评论,
物业类别 住宅、普通住宅 | 项目特色 豪华居住区 |
建筑类别 高层 | 装修状况 精装修 [装修相册][建材卖场] |
环线位置 中内环间 | 所属商圈 古北 |
物业地址 长宁古北路996,998,1000号 [交通图] |
交通状况 轨交:地铁2号线娄山关路站、10号线伊犁路站;公交:48路延安西路古北路站、202路古北路 [更多] |
开盘时间 2008-1-18 [本月新开楼盘] | 入住时间 现房 [本月入住楼盘] |
容 积 率 3.07 [关于容积率] | 绿 化 率 43% [关于绿化率] |
物 业 费 7.50元/平方米·月 [点评物业] | 物业公司 上海古北物业管理有限公司 |
开 发 商 上海宝域房地产发展有限公司 |
预售许可证 沪房地长字2008第000124号、长宁房地(2004)预字0000617号 [全部预售许可证] |
售楼地址 古北路1000号 |
伦敦广场房价 均价45000元/平方米 [房价走势] [我要揪错] [房贷计算器] |
May 27th 2010 | HONG KONG | From The Economist print edition
BEING bearish on China may not turn out to be wise, but it does require some ingenuity. Shorting domestic stocks is illegal. Futures and options markets for equities either do not exist locally or barely trade. It is possible to buy credit-default swaps (CDSs), a form of insurance against default, on China's sovereign debt, but few think that would really go belly-up anyway. A pair of widely circulated reports on how to hedge a downturn, written in April by Goldman Sachs (stamped "highly confidential") and Morgan Stanley respectively, spell out some of the alternatives for investors. In each, the underlying idea is similar: if shorting China is impossible, find things tied to China.
In Morgan Stanley's view, that means starting with various financial assets—shares, credit instruments, and currencies—in South Korea and Australia (see chart), the two countries with the strongest connections to China after adjusting for re-exports. Both places offer numerous financial products, such as exchange-traded funds linked to indices, that can be shorted. The report also cites three commodities that are particularly tied to China's growth: copper, above all; then soyabeans; and oil.
In its hedging scenarios, Goldman's report concentrates on some different products. It looks at the value of buying CDSs on Hutchison Whampoa, a telecoms company in Hong Kong with deep ties to China; an index of Asian (excluding Japanese) CDSs; and a combined option structured to benefit from a decline in the Australian dollar, Goldman's own commodities index and the Hang Seng China Enterprise Index, comprising Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Such ideas can be augmented, of course, by adding other China-focused companies trading in overseas markets, or certain commodities, such as molybdenum, which is used in steel, or nickel. Deciding which to go for partly depends on costs, such as transaction fees, and market liquidity.
Data on the popularity of such bets are not widely available. But anecdotal evidence suggests plenty of people are bearish. It is a "crowded trade", says one hedge-fund manager. As a result, when the market turns upward a "short squeeze" can develop as traders seek to cover their positions by scrambling to buy back shares. That may have happened this week when a rumoured shift in the government's position on taxing property transactions sent shares in developers soaring. And therein lies the greatest risk of betting against China. It may do well.
http://www.economist.com/businessfinance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=16231482结合2008年的经济危机,我们也可以看到,任何放任自流的deregulation政策都暗含着系统性的灾难后果的风险。美国没有官方语言,或许大部分美国人民觉得没有这个必要。等到他们想起有这个必要的时候,发现阻力重重。上世纪六十年代以来,美国掀起"英语第一"运动,此时的英语不仅仅是一种语言范畴,而成为盎格鲁—新教文化的标志。亨廷顿不无怨恨地指出:"不存在Americano dream。只有American dream(这里的"美国梦"全为英语,而Americano为西班牙语),它是由盎格鲁—新教社会创造的。墨西哥美国人只有用英语才会在这个社会之中分享到它。"【注:《我们是谁?》P212,塞缪尔亨廷顿著,程克雄译,新华出版社2005年第一版。】
布热津斯基在上世纪九十年代就指出美国的人口危机:"任何恢复和重振美国的企图都不得不在比过去复杂得多的背景下实施…… 到2050年……欧洲人的比重从60%下降到40%。这时的美国将与不久前的基本上是欧洲血统的美国迥然不同,它更可能反映出业已使世界分裂的文化和哲学的分歧。"【注:《大失控与大混乱》P125,布热津斯基著,潘嘉玢、刘瑞祥译,中国社会科学出版社1994年第一版。】
标 题: Re: 我觉得80年代初出生的一代非常悲惨
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Mar 15 10:59:56 2010), 站内
人是注定要变的,所以内心愉悦不愉悦过段时间就好难讲。我和我lp也有个朋友年轻的时候属于这种思路,而且还比较能干,很会挣钱。终 于到了40岁遇到了一个还不错的男人,结婚了;婚后都觉得不要小孩比较自由,内心愉悦。然后43岁女人得了子宫肌瘤,治了一年多,彻 底断了生育的可能性。和我lp聊天的时候大哭了一场...
【 在 liudoudou (刘豆豆) 的大作中提到: 】
: 人生还有别的不光是钱
: 我闺蜜,05年劝她贷款买房人说不想压力太大,06年劝她买基金人说要买鞋买衣服,07年开始劝她赶紧找个对象别挑了人不愿意凑 合,10年了没房没钱剩女一枚,但是人过得心情好,月光、单身并快乐着
: 内心愉悦才是最重要的吧