team都在firefox2发布的时候送蛋糕。How to take a better photograph
Getting acquainted with your camera is important, but it’s not
the end-all, be-all of taking a great photo. I am a firm believer
that the cheaper your camera, the better the results. The bells and
whistles of an expensive camera are great if you know how to use
them but they are not essential building blocks for creating a
beautiful visual record of your life. What follows are some simple
steps to consistently taking better photos in the most common
Cheap camera.
Not so cheap lookinng photos taken with a cheap
camera.Shoot from the hip
I can’t tell you how many photos I’ve taken without looking
through the viewfinder. Why would I do that? Well, for one, I hate
being stuck behind the lens. If you go through your life with one
eye shut, you’re missing half the fun. Then put that one eye
behind a lens designed to crop off my view? Forget about it. No. I
can see who’s coming and going, and that’s where the action is.
Plus, when you’re not aiming, your photos don’t end up looking
like everyone else’s photos. They’re instantly entertaining
because they not only capture the story of the moment, but they do
so from a unedited perspective. Ah, that’s the stuff!
These were taken by holding my arm outside and above the
From the aisle. Seated. One handed. Slam dunk.
Above the head.
I shoulda had a V8
My wife is constantly making fun of the way I shoot photos. I
absolutely refuse to hold the camera steady. If you want the
easiest way to make a scene a little more interesting to look at,
tilt your camera. Your brain will ask you to make a perfect
horizontal line with the horizon. Forget about it. Tilt the
horizon. Make those moments more interesting by giving them some
weight and balance problems. Photos on the edge are just plain
Quick! Get that beer before it tips over!
What’s good for the tilted goose is good for the tilted
OMG! The church is sliding off the earth!
Kill your flash
Especially in low light situations. It may be a little funky at
times, but more often than not you’ll get a perfect photo that
keeping your camera on auto-flash would have otherwise killed.
It’s kill or be killed.One of the reasons I love to turn off my flash, by the way, is
that you can see much more clearly how yellow and rad most indoor
lighting is. The more photos you take over time, the more you see
how colors around you are affecting the quailty of your image. In
low-light situations, where there is often only one source of
light, you get to see exactly how light works. Take that knowledge
outside and you’ll see marked improvements, I guarantee.One word of caution: make sure you haven’t had too much
caffeine. The shaking in your hands will show up in the image.
Often you will need to find a hard, steady surface to set your
camera on in order to stop “the shakes.”Flash.
No flash.
No flash.
No flash.
No flash. Preserve those colors!
No flash. Colors and action. Blurred, but no worse for the
No flash, indoors, night. Very steady hand. Why would anyone
photograph themselves in their PJ’s watching TV is another matter
No flash, bright backlight, camera-phone. Kind of a cool
No flash, plenty of light, but action is captured
better.Don’t be shy
Seriously. If you’re going to take on the mission of being the
documentary film-maker of the bunch, get rid of your inhibitions.
What’s the worst that could happen? The worst thing that ever
happened to me while I was taking a photo to its logical limits was
accidentally stepping in a pond at a restaurant. And what a better
memory than that? So get out there and step in it!
Sometimes its about the audience.
Sometimes it’s about the show.
Sometimes it’s about a hole-in-one.
And sometimes you just can’t resist the urge. “It’s
so important.”Kids
As an adult it’s always a challenge to photograph kids.
Here’s a couple of things to keep in mind. Kids love it when
you’re on their level. Get down on your hands and knees and shoot
upwards toward them. They love it. Same is true of most adults,
although they rarely admit it!Don’t waste your breath making kids behave for the photo. If
they are doing things in a photo that you would let them do anyway,
what’s the harm? If they’re being goofy, let them be goofy.
You’re not a wedding photographer, so don’t worry about losing
your job. You’re not stuffing a portfolio - you’re capturing
the moment. Look at it this way. In twenty years you’ll have an
embarrassing photo for the kid to boot!
Up high is OK.
But eye-level is better.
>Kids of all shapes and sizes.
Some are tame.
Just let them be.
Eye-level is good. Carpet-level is great! Now if only I’d
used a flash!
That’s a little fat me. My mom took this!
Let the kid shoot the picture
You’d be amazed what they come up with. Kids have an untrained
eye. The less intimidated by the fear of “shooting a good
photograph” the better the image. Kids have pure talent. Let them
go wild with it. Their perspective is just as important.I wish I had some examples of this: SEND ME A PHOTO AND
I’LL INCLUDE IT HERE. email: kelly ‘at’ dandelife
‘dot’ comBe The Hef
Fact: when people are gathered for a group photo, they tend to
tilt their heads toward the person in the center. It’s as true in
the society pages of your local gossip mag as much as it is in the
oodles of photos you have in your photo albums. Why do people do
that? All it does is make them look uncomfortable. So if you see
somone tilting his head, make sure you help him straighten up. Or,
as Stephanie says, “Just be The Hef”“The Hef?” you ask. My wife once pointed out to me that Hugh
Hefner never tilts his head in a photo. Why? Because he’s “The
Hef.” People are always gathered around him in group photos. The
Hef knows that it’s the photographer’s place to get all the
heads in the shot.
The Hef in our family is MorMor. She’s 94 years old and
leans in for no photo.
No lean-in. Good.
Lean-in. Not bad, but could be better.
No lean-in.
Get personal
Most people are uncomfortable with you getting right up in their
face for a photo. But you know what? You get a better portrait that
way. Most of don’t have time for messing with the zoom. Nor do we
have the money for “good” zoom lenses. You’ve got the best
zoom in the world with your feet. Get close. The closest
you’ll ever have to stand for a close-up is normal conversational
distance. So don’t think of it as a photo but as a conversation.
In the end, you’ll have a better picture and they’ll thank you
for it.Tip: keep breath mints cose at hand.
Far away, no detail.
Up close, detail.
The closer the better!
Most of the examples here are of social situations, featuring
people in their environment. Some of you will be photographing
buildings, streets, the countryside and places of interest. For
those situations I don’t have much advice. They’re not my
forte. I did find a couple of good photographic resources for you
to look up though. So follow these links and learn some more.
Kodak’s 10 Tips for Great Pictures- BBC’s
Guide: How to Take Good Photographs
National Geographic Photography Guides and GearLinks via lifehacker’s photo
How to take great group photos (via Digital
Photography School)- CNET
Photo and Video Courses (sign-up required)
Taking Professional Looking Photos without a Professional
Less Cursing, Better Pictures (David Pogue from the New York