星期三, 十一月 21, 2007

cool commands(转寄)

Assume you know something about Linux :-)
and assume you have sense of humor  :))

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: < roto@bbs.ee.tsinghua.edu.cn>
Date: Wed Nov 21 23:08:09 2007
Subject: cool commands(转寄)
To: rootwoot.wu@gmail.com

发信人: girlwing (谁来关心我的睡眠), 信区: Linux
标  题: cool commands
发信站: 自由空间 (Tue Nov 20 19:30:53 2007), 站内

1. % make love
Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.

2. % got a light?
No match.

3. % sleep with me
bad character

4. % man: Why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.

5. % rm God
rm: God nonexistent

6. % make 'heads or tails of all this'
Make: Don't know how to make heads or tails of all this. Stop.

7. % make sense
Make: Don't know how to make sense. Stop.

8. % make mistake
Make: Don't know how to make mistake. Stop.

9. % make bottle.open
Make: Don't know how to make bottle.open. Stop.

10. % \(-
(-: Command not found.

11. % rm -i God
rm: remove God? y
% ls God
God not found
% make light
Make: Don't know how to make light. Stop.

12. % date me
You are not superuser: date not set
Thu Aug 25 15:52:30 PDT 1988

13. % man rear
No manual entry for rear.

14. % If I had a ) for every dollar Reagan spent, what would I have?
Too many )'s.

15. % * How would you describe Bill Clinton
*: Ambiguous.

16. % %Vice-President
%Vice-President: No such job.

17. % ls Meese-Ethics
Meese-Ethics not found

18. % "How would you rate Reagan's senility?
Unmatched ".

19. % [Where is Jimmy Hoffa?
Missing ].

20. % ^How did the^sex change operation go?
Modifier failed.

21. % cp /dev/null sex;chmod 000 sex
% more sex
sex: Permission denied
% mv sex show
% strip show
strip: show: Permission denied

22. % who is my match?
No match.

23. % set i="DemocraticPlatform";mkdir $i;chmod 000 $i;ls $i
DemocraticPlatform unreadable

24. % awk "Polly, the ship is sinking"
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line

25. % %blow
%blow: No such job.

26. % 'thou shalt not commit adultery'
thou shalt not commit adultery: Command not found.

27. $ test my argument
test: too many arguments

28. $ "Amelia Earhart"
Amelia Earhart: not found

29. $ PATH=pretending! /usr/ucb/which sense
no sense in pretending!

30. $ man -kisses dog
dog: nothing appropriate

※ 来源:·自由空间 bbs.ee.tsinghua.edu.cn·[FROM:]

